Tobacco use among paramedical Students in Tunis
Aim : To assess smoking habits among Tunisian paramedical students, and their attitudes and knowledge about smoking.
Methods: During the first quarter of the school year 2002-2003 we investigate 1288 paramedical students of the College of Sciences and Techniques of the Health in Tunis. The smoker was the student who declare to smoke daily or by occasionally at the time of the survey.
Results: About three quarters of the students (77,2 %) were female and half of them was less than 20 years old. Smokers were those who smoked daily or occasionally. The prevalence of smoking was weak but it was 10 fold higher in male than in female (35,5% vs 3,5%) The rate of the ex-smokers was 4,1 %. Progress in studies does not affect smoking behaviour. The knowledge of tobacco induced diseases was generally good. However, there was substantial underestimation of
tobacco contribution to causing bladder cancer, coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease. The study evidences insufficient awareness of medical students about their responsibilities for heath education and prevention.
Conclusion: It is recommended to improve tobacco control educational programs at the paramedical students with elaboration of practical smoking cessation trainings.
Tobacco use, paramedical students, Tunisia, behaviour, attitudes, knowledge##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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