Technical Aspects, Indications And Results Of Small Bowel Videocapsule Endoscopy
Background : Videocapsule endoscopy is a new non-invasive endoscopic tool useful for small bowel examination.
Aim : The aims of this review are to precise the technical aspects of videocapsule endoscopy, indications and results of this technique in clinical practice.
Methods: Literature review.
Results: The main indication of vidéocapsule endoscopy is obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Videocapsule endoscopy can precise the aetiology of the bleeding and guide the therapeutic approach. The second indication is Crohn’s disease, in establishment of the diagnosis, evaluation of small bowel extension or in differential
diagnosis of indeterminate colitis. Videocapsule endoscopy is also useful in patients with small bowel neoplasia, polyposis and some patients with celiac sprue.
Conclusion: Videocapsule endoscopy is an important endoscopic technique which is must be quickly part of endoscopic diagnosis tools.
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