Childhood Occipital Epilepsy Of Gastaut: A Case Report


Hela Mrabet Khiari
Hend Batti Chehaider
Amel Mrabet


Background : Idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut is a rare but well defined syndrome within the group of idiopathic focal epilepsies in childhood. Clinical manifestations are characterized by simple partial seizures with mainly visual symptoms followed by secondary generalization.
Aim: Report of a case of Childhood Occipital Epilepsy.
Case report:We report a case of 10-year-old-girl, with no history. At the age of 9 years, the patient started experiencing repetitive events without fever. The first event consisted of several episodes of loss of consciousness with hypotonia and post ictal amnesia. The second type was three episodes of stereotyped, elaborated complex visual hallucinations, during 10 minutes. One month later, a third type of tonico-clonic generalized seizures appeared. Neurological examination and routine laboratory investigation were normal. Brain neuroimaging was normal. Interictal EEG showed bilateral discharges of slow generalized waves activated by hyperventilation. She has been treated by Sodium Valproate. All seizures stopped and she remained free of seizures.
Conclusion: This epileptic syndrome must be identified, and treated without delay. In fact, without appropriate treatment, the evolution may lead to a continuous spike-wave during the sleep with cognitive deterioration.


Focal idiopathic epilepsy, Occipital seizures, Visual hallucinations, Childhood



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