Late Stent Thrombosis In a Young Patient who had Ulcerative Colitis .


Salem Abdessalem
Nizar Annabi
Sami Mourali
Rachid Mechemeche


Background : Arterial and venous thrombosis are well recognized systemic complications of inflammatory bowel disease predominantly in patients with crohn’s colitis and in those with ulcerative colitis (UC).
Aim : report a new case
Case : We describe the case of a 35 years old man presenting previously an anterior infarct with a tighten stenosis in the middle part of the left anterior descending artery (LAD). The stenosis was treated percutaneously with a bare stent deployment. During an acute exacerbation of UC, the patient developed an acute coronary
syndrome with ST elevation secondary to a late stent thrombosis, needing a primary coronary angioplasty. Following course is
Conclusion : Based on this case, we’ll discuss the relationship between UC and thrombosis, and therapeutic considerations inherent to thrombotic and bleeding risks.


Thrombosis, stent, ulcerative colitis, inflammation



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