The psychiatrist faced to the ordinance on request


hend Elloumi
Mohamed Fakhreddine Haffani
Olfa Dakhlaoui


The psychiatrist often receives ordinances on request to inspect the medical files of the patient. Does the response to this request constitutes a violation of the medical secrecy?
The texts of law governing the ordinance on request do not oblige the doctor to give an answer and do not expose him to sanctions in case of justifiable refusal.
Moreover, the code of ethics, the penal code and the law relating to the personal data protection prohibit the response to an ordinance on request.
Thus, the communication of the medical files, in response to an ordinance on request is a violation of the medical secrecy and exposes the psychiatrist to serious sanctions.


Ordinance on request, medical secret



  1. 1. Code des procédures civiles et commerciales (Articles 213, 214, 216, 221, 223).
  2. Code de déontologie médicale (Article 8)
  3. Code de procédure pénale (Article 254)
  4. Loi organique n° 2004-63 du 27 juillet 2004, portant sur la protection des données à caractère personnel (Articles 14, 62,63, 87 et 90)