
Khammassi M'Hiri N
Mohsen Bouchhioua D
Abdelhédi H Chrifi J
Hassen Z
Tougourti M N
Hamza M


Prerequisites : The periarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a serious necrotizing vasculitis. Healing is, classically, obtained after a longterm treatment using corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents.
Purpose: Reporting the case of a NAP or was spontaneous healing without having recourse to any immunosuppressive treatment.
Case report :We report an observation of a patient aged 27 monitoring for manic-depressive psychosis hospitalized for a fever during the course associated with high blood pressure (hypertension), a weight loss, asthenia and myalgia. Biology was a biological inflammatory syndrome (SIB), a creatinine 115μ mol / l. The survey infectious and immunological balance were negative. The arteriography showed a strongly evocative of the NAP. We have seen no sign of poor prognosis. The recovery was spontaneous after a short period of evolution with an amendment clinical and biological weapons. The patient was put under anti-HTAand reviewed regularly to the consultation.
Conclusion :An analogy is drawn between such developments and already reported in some cases of viral PAN. The actual frequency of self-limiting PAN is unknown. The scarcity of cases reported in the literature may in part be attributed to ignorance.


Périartérite noueuse, guérison spontané



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