
Y. Ben Ameur
O. Chaabane
I Zairi
S. Longo
K Battikh
ML Slimane


Background: The use of the antivitamines K for more than 50 years, has largely been the proof of its interest: well shown effectiveness, weak cost. However, these drugs are the cause of complications of which most frequent and most serious are the hemorrhagic accidents. The evaluation of the benefit report/ratio on risk is necessary. The Goal of our study is to study the characteristics of the patients hospitalized for serious haemorrhage under antivitamines K and to determine the predictive factors of occurred of these accidents. Purpose of the work: study the characteristics of the patients hospitalized for grave bleeding under antivitamins K and determine the predictive factors of arisen these accidents.
Methods: Retrospective study of pilot case type carried out in the service of cardiology of the hospital Habib Thameur of Tunis during the period going from January 2001 to December 2006. It related to a group of 50 patients admitted for “serious haemorrhage under antivitamines K”. This group was compared with a citationsRaw group including/understanding 100 patients treated by antivitamines K and not having never presented a haemorrhage. The reserved criteria of gravity are the following ones: the location: intracérébrale, rétro péritonéale, articular, intra-ocular with blindness, muscular, subcutaneous if the nasty bruise is voluminous, hematurie, metrorragie, digestive bleeding (high or low), hemoptysie, hemothorax, hemopéricarde; The deglobulisation (fall of the haemoglobin of 2g / dl or more) requiring or not a transfusion; the necessity of a surgical haemostatic gesture or endoscopique; the transfer in care unit or death.
Results: The Middle Age of the patients was of 55 ± 14 years, the sex ratio was of 0,85. The intermediate duration of the treatment was of 243 ± 225 weeks. The most frequent indications were the disorder of the supra-ventricular rate/rhythm (72%) and the mechanical valves cardiac (40%). These indications appeared debatable to us at 16% of the patients. One or more supporting factors the hemorrhagic accident were found at half of the patients, the first cause being
medicamentous association (20% of the cases). The hématurie was the most frequent complication (28%). The evolution was favorable
in all the cases. An internal injury under unclaimed ignored was found at 24% of the patients. The hepatic dysfonction and medicamentous association were in our study of the risk factors of which has occurred of haemorrhage under antivitamines K. In multivariate analysis, medicamentous association was an
independent risk factor (Odds ratio adjusted 4,9).
Conclusion: At least 50% of the hemorrhagic accidents under antivitamines K are avoidable with the help of a rigorous evaluation of the benefit ratio/risk and a vigilance with respect to medicamentous associations. The creation of centers of anticoagulation in our country is essential in order to improve quality of the clinical and biological monitoring.





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