Objective: To assess functional impairment in patients with rheumatoid pelvispondylite. Patients and methods: cross-sectional study conducted on patients with rheumatoid pelvispondylite. Data are collected in a form specifying the epidemiological and demographic data, disease activity by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis
Disease Activity Index (BASDAI), metrological static and dynamic examination. Evaluation of functional impairment by Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI), and likert scale assessing social, economic and physical disability.
Results: 30 patients (22 men), the mean age is 37.2 years old; twenty one patients are without work. The mean duration of disease is 13.36 years, 50% are annoyed by morning stiffness than one hour, spinal pain and fatigue. The average value of BASDAI is 43.72 / 100; the average value of EVA fatigue is 56.16 / 100. The average value of BASFI is 56.36 / 100. An important or very important social, economic and physical disability was felt among 67% of the patients, which is correlated with duration of the disease, the BASDAI index, work, and the BASFI index.
Conclusion: The functional impairment caused is statistically correlated with the intensity of the pain, the fatigue, the morning stiffness and BASDAI index. This impact on the quality of life is increased by the low level of education and poor professional integration.
rheumatoid Pelvispondylite, clinical status; functional impairment##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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