
Fethi Ben Slama
Amira Boujmil
Imen Dekhil
Abdelmajid Trimeche
Chakib Gaouar
Mohamed Chiheb Ben Rayana
Noureddine Achour
Béchir Zouari
Ahmed Achour
Omrane Bel Hadj


Introduction: At the obese ones, there is an imbalance between the free defenses antioxydants and radicals from where the installation of an oxydative
stress, responsible for the development of non–insulin–dependent diabetes. Our objectives was to evaluate the levels of vitamins A, E and of leptin, to search the link witch could exist between vitamins and leptin. Methodology : We proportioned the rates in vitamins A, E and in leptine at 30 obese subjects diabetic of type 2 including 12 men and 18 women of average age (50,93 ± 6,13) years not carrying pathologies other than the diabetes and obesity compared to 30 witnesses who theirs are paired according to the age and the sex..
Results : Our results chows that levels of antioxidants did not differ between the two groups but we find a non significant decrease in vitamin E/ (TC +TG) ratio (1,86 ± 0,38 VS 2,11 ± 0,74 ; p = 0,08) and significant increase of vitamin A level in women obese with non-insulin-diabetes mellitus compared with control group of women (0,69 ± 0,16 V.S 0,55 ± 0,15 ; p = 0,01). Moreover a negative and significative correlation between vitamin E and leptin (r = 0,452 ; p = 0,01), and a negative and no significative correlation between vitamin A and leptin (2 = - 0,221 ; p > 0,05) were observed.
Conclusion : the rate of vitamin A, is different for each sex with share. The vitamin E could have a negative control on the secretion of the leptin.


antioxidants, obesity non insulin-dependent diabetes, leptin



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