
Olfa Ben azouz
Lamia Dellagi
Oussama Kebir
Ines Johnson
Isabelle Amado
Karim Tabbane


Background: Cognitive disorders are common and severe in schizophrenia. They are also correlated with the functional outcome of the disease. Cognition can not be assessed during a standard clinical interview but needs to be evaluated by means of specific cognitive tasks.
Aim of the study is to construct a battery of cognitive tests which is adapted to the Tunisian cultural and linguistic context and to collect normative data in Tunisian Arabic speaking healthy subjects.
Methods: We have selected and adapted cognitive tests to our socio cultural context. Then we have proceeded to the administration of these tests within a group of healthy subjects.
Results: the cognitive battery is composed of 7 tests: the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test, the Token test, the Zazzo test, phonemic fluency, semantic fluency, visual working memory test and number working memory test. These tests are presented with their manual of utilisation and their normative data.
Conclusion: The Tunisian cognitive battery is believed to permit a better cognitive assessment of patients suffering from schizophrenia. Improvement of cognitive impairments in schizophrenia is associated with a better social and professional integration of these patients.


schizophrenia, cognition, cognitive tests, cognitive data



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