
Lilia. Zaghdoudi
W. Homri
S. Belaid
Ben Bechir M
Raja. Labbane


Background: the quality of life of patients suffering from schizophrenia was extensively studied but it seems that impact on quality of life of neuroleptics, particularly atypical antipsychotic treatment was not clearly elucidated.
Aims: In this study we have compared the impact on quality of life of atypical antipsychotic versus classic neuroleptics.
Methods: We have enrolled, prospectively, all patients with schizophrenia as confirmed by DSM – IV TR. These patients intakes antipsychotics for unless 6 months. We excluded patients with acute schizophrenia, mental deficiency and severe organic disease. Evaluation of clinical features is based on the PANSS scale (Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale). The quality of life is evaluated using the MOS-SF36 scale (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form). Extra pyramidal symptoms were evaluated by the Chouinard scale
Results: We have enrolled 65 patients; 35 under classic neuroleptics and 30 under atypical antipsychotics. Clinical features were similar in the two groups. Patients with atypical antipsychotics were less hospitalized (2,4±3,2 vs 4,5±4,2 ; p=0,02) and needing less anti cholinergic treatment (26,6 % vs 88,6 %; p <0,0001). Adverse effects were more common with classic neuroleptics (Pakinsonism score : 6,1± 7 vs10,8±8,6 ; P =0,01); global clinical dyskinesia 1,22±0,8 vs 1,90±1,7; p=0,04; global clinical judgement of parkinsonism (2,4±2,1 vs 3,72±2,4; p=0,02). Quality of life was better in patients with atypical antipsychotics on
the basis of vitality (76,7±27,8 vs 62±29,6; p=0,04) and social function (53,3±33 vs 36,9±27,5; p=0,03) we found a negative correlation between adverse effects and quality of life in patients with classic neuroleptics
Conclusion: Quality of life of patients suffering from schizophrenia with atypical antipsychotics is better than in those with classic neuroleptics and this may be due to the frequency of adverse effects particularly extra pyramidal symptoms.


Neuroleptics, Quality of life, Schizophrenia, social adaptation



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