Background:The ovarian cysts are a common pathology in gynecology.
Aim : The aim of our study is to confront ultrasound and coelioscopic data in final anatomo pathological diagnosis of ovarian cysts and to assess the efficiency and the morbidity of coelioscopic treatment.
Methods:We report a retrospective study of 100 ovarian cysts collected in CHU of Mongi Slim La Marsa from October 1st, 2003 to November 30 th, 2007.
Results:The coelioscopic exploration coupled with the extemporany review has a sensitivity of 100%. The benefits of coelioscopy are : less esthetic desagrement, a decrease in morbidity per and post operatory and economic benefit . The risk of ignoring a malignant lesion is not zero with a risk of spread tumor .That ‘s why it must respect strict rules and convert if malignancy is suspected.
Conclusion:Coelioscopy has let a reliable diagnosis of malignancy with a low morbidity, it is an efficient and comfortable technic for patients.
Ovary, Cyst, Ultrasound, Coelioscopy, pathology##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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