
Bouzaiene H
Mchala L
BenHassouna J
Bouzid T
Chebbi A
Chargui R
Dhieb T
Boussen H
Khomsi F
Hechiche M
Gamoudi A
Rahal K


Purpose: Evaluation of surgical biopsy for mammary microcalcifications, in Tunisian patients according to the American College of Radiology’s recommandations (ACR).
Materiel and methods: 100 patients treated in Salah Azaiez Institute from January 2005 to December 2006, who underwent surgical biopsy for breast microcalcifications The diagnosis was based on mammography associated in 60% of the cases, to ultra-sonography.
We correlated biopsies results to ACR classification.
Results: 123 surgical biopsies are related to ACR 3 lesions in 72 cases (58,5%) ACR 4 in 39 cases (32%) and ACR 5 in 14 case (11,5%). The histological examination showed malignant lesions in 4 cas/72 ACR3 (5,5%), 19/39 ACR4 (48,7%) and 10 among the ACR5 (71,4%).
Conclusion: Our preliminary study introduces a diagnostic approach of mammary microcalcifications, that are usually infra-clinic lesions, in a general context of breast tumors detected with an average size of more than 3cm.


Cancer, Breast, detection, Premature, mammography, microcalcifications, Location, Surgery



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