
Zaanouni E
Ben Abdallah M
Bouchlaka A
Ben Aissa R
Kribi L
M'barek F
Ben Hamida A
Boussen H
Gueddana N


Objective: To report the preliminary results of the feasibility of breast cancer mammographic screening among women younger than 50 years from the l’Ariana state of Tunisia.
Material and methods: The National office of the Family and Population (ONFP) launched a protocol on feasibility of breast cancer mammographic screening targeting asymptomatic women aged 40-69 years, from the l’Ariana state in Tunisia. We practiced two oblique and face incidences at the mammography screening unit of the ONFP, whose equipment and control system of quality answered to the European Communitiy for breast cancer screening.
Results: We did 5325 mammograms between April 2004 and March 2006. Our targeted population had a 48,9 years mean age (CI 95% = [48.7 - 49.1]), 60,3% of them younger than 50 years. There were more young women with high breast denisty (8.2%) compared to the group from 50 to 69 years (2,1%). The women arising from the 40- 49 years cohort had a socio-economic and educational level higher. The complementary rate of examination/explorations was higher in this cohort(19.5%) vs 11.5% for the 50-69 years. The youngest women presented a more often positive test (7.0 vs 5.2%) than the oldest women (p<0.01).
Conclusion : The option to screen breast cancer by mammography in women younger than 40 years in Tunisia is partially justified by the relatively high frequency of this cancer in this age group. Our feasibility poorly useful in screening will be used to sensibilise females to the problematic of breast cancer to obtain a better compliance compared to the older age group of 50-59 years.


mammography, screening, age, young woman, Breast, cancer, feasability, density



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