Background : Necessity of physical activities restriction after lumbar discectomy have been described in the literature
Aim : The aim of this study was to determine if early rehabilitation could favorably influence the prognosis of military patients who had undergone lumbar disk surgery.
Methods: We performed a retrospective study involving patients who have had lumbar disk surgery, and had undergone physical rehabilitation program. A clinical evaluation, an assessment of pain and a functional assessment by the Arabic version amended selfquestionnaire Oswestry have been made for these patients before and after a rehabilitation program started since the 40th postoperative day.
Results: We have collected 50 cases: 40 men and 10 women of average age 30 years. All these patients have been improved after surgery with no radiculalgies, but with persistence lumbar pain syndrome. After rehabilitation program, we noted a reduction of 42.85% of pain and functional improvement with a reduction in the average score of Oswestry index of 61.18%. The average work incapacity was 4 months. A workstation adaptation was indicated for all patients.
Conclusion: Intensive rehabilitation program started early after lumbar disk surgery can improve the functionality of patients operated, and allows early return to professional activities with reduction of the healthcare cost.
Disc herniation, physical rehabilitation, pain, work incapacity, surgery##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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