
Samir Kochbati
Lilia Daoud
W. Zouaoui
Sonia Ktari
Fatma Boussema
Mohamed H. Daghfous
Lilia Rokbani


Background : A neurologic compromise associated with vertebral fractures is generally due to a malignancy causes. Therefore, an osteoporotic vertebral fracture can sometimes cause neurologic complications.
Aim: Report a case of neurologic compromise associated with osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Observation: A-62-year-old man suffered from rheumatoid arthritis since 1985, presented a cervical pain associated with quadriparesia secondary to a C5 osteoporotic vertebral fractures
Conclusion: Osteonecrosis may be the cause of neurologic compromise associated with osteoporotic vertebral fractures.


Fracture, spine, osteoporosis



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