Aims: To evaluate the prevalence of osteoporosis during inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and to determine the risk factors.
Methods: We conducted a prospective study that includes IBD patients. For all patients, bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy X-rays absorptiometry.
Results: Study has included 50 IBD patients; thirty had Crohn’s disease and 20 had ulcerative colitis. The average age of our patients was of 36,4 + 9,9 years. A low osseous mineral density was noted in 21 patients (45 %) distributed in 13 % of osteoporosis and 32 % of osteopenia. Only the age superior to 35 years, the duration of evolution of the disease superior to 10 years and intestinal resection constituted a risk factors of osteoporosis. After adaptation on the age and the intestinal resection the duration of evolution superior to 10 years persisted as risk factor of osteoporosis. The other risk factors: sex, type of IBD, denutrition and corticoids were not incriminated in the low osseous mineral density during IBD.
Conclusion: These results confirm the necessity of the systematic search of the osteoporosis during IBD with the aim of proposing an early and effective treatment.
Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, bone mineral density, osteoporosis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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