LETHAL OSTÉOCHONDRODYSPLASIA : foetopathological study of 32 cases
Background : The lethal osteochondrodysplasias are rare, their prevalence is estimated at 1 per 10 000 births. Mostly have genetic determinism.
Aims: To describe the malformations and dysmorphic features in lethal osteochondrodysplasias
Methods:Our study involved 32 cases of lethal fetal Osteochondrodysplasias, collected over a period of 14 years in the pathological department of Sousse.
Results:Our series consisted of 23 foetuses from a medical termination of pregnancy, 6 newborns and 3 stillbirths. The mean age of mothers was 28 years old, consanguinity was observed in 61%. 3 cases of recurrence of the disease in three families were noted.
The bone abnormalities were detected in antenatal ultrasonography in 25 cases (87%) and at birth in 7 cases. Ultrasound showed micromelia in all cases, a narrow chest in 5 cases and spina bifida in 3 cases. The foetopathological exam, including a macroscopic examination, radiological and histological samples of bone, has allowed us, based on the International Classification of 2001 to classify the 32 cases of Osteochondrodysplasias in: 8cases of Achondrogenesis type I (type Parenti-Fraccaro), 3 cases of Achondrogenesis type II (Langer Saldino), 9 cases of lethal osteogenesis imperfecta, 8 cases of thanatophoric dysplasia, 4 cases of Schneckenbecken dysplasia, 2 cases of Short rib polydactyly syndrome, Majewski type and 1 case of asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia .
foetus, bone, osteochondrodysplasia, histology, radiography##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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