Aim : To determine epidemiological, causes, clinical and Para clinical manifestations and outcome in children with traumatic head injury in south Tunisia.
Methods: A retrospective study over a 8 year period (1997 - 2004) of 454 children’s with head injury admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a university hospital (Sfax-Tunisia). Basic demographic, clinical, biological and radiological data were recorded on admission and during the ICU stay.
Results: Mean age (± SD) was of 7, 2 ± 3, 8 years. The main cause of trauma was traffic accidents (69, 4%). There were a predominance of male patient’s with a sex-ratio of 2, 21. The Score of coma of Glasgow adapted to the child, was on average from 8 ± 3 points. Extra-cranial pathology was present were observed in 38,9 %. The cerebral CT-Scan performed on admission for all patients was pathological in 86,3 % of the cases. The most observed lesions were meningeal Haemorrhage (35,2 %) and the cerebral contusion (34,5 %). According to the « Traumatic Coma Dated Bank classification " we noted a high proportion of type 2
group(46 %). Secondary systemic insults were observed in 377 children (83 %). Evolution was marked by the death of 82 children (18 %). Among survivors, a good recovery was observed in 229 children (50, 4 %).
Conclusion: In Tunisia, head injury is a frequent cause of hospitalization. It is essentially involved in traffic accidents. The short term prognosis is poor with a high (18%) mortality. Prevention is highly advised.
Trauma, Children, Intensive Care Unit, Prognosis, Motor-vehicle crash, Acute head injury##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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