Under the auspices of the University of Tunis El Manar and the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis

STSM is organizing the 49th National Congress of Medicine

Date: 13-14 September 2024

Congress venue: International Diplomatic Academy of Tunis

Main Theme: "AI Revolutionizes Scientific Writing"


All accepted abstracts will be published in “La Tunisie Médicale”

Top 3 submissions invited to be published as original articles in “La Tunisie Médicale” rapidly (Fast Track) and without submission fees


Submission are now closed



Expected response date:

Responses to authors are scheduled for the end of August 2024.

Abstracts not adhering to the specified formatting will be automatically rejected.

All accepted abstracts must be presented as a 5-minute oral communication during the congress.


For publication, the abstract:

  1. Must have been presented at the STSM 2024 congress according to the schedule that will be published
  2. The 1st or 2nd author must be registered for the congress
  3. Each registered congress attendee can present a maximum of 3 abstracts

Note: There will be no certification of presentation for communications.


Expected date of abstract publication:

In the October 2024 issue of "La Tunisie Médicale" journal


Registration fees:

Two options available:

  1. Registration only for oral communication sessions: 120dt, includes:

- Presentation of 3 communications as 1st or 2nd author

- Access to coffee breaks

- Accès to plenary sessions

  1. Full congress registration, 300dt, includes:

- Presentation of 3 communications as 1st or 2nd author

- Attendance throughout the congress

- Attendance in 5 workshops with certificates

- Access to lunches and coffee breaks

Consult the program in this PDF